Lunteren, The Netherlands • 11-12 June 2015
Thursday, 11 June |
Friday, 12 June |
09:00 Registration 09:50 Plenary Session: Opening & Keynote Lecture 11:00 Coffee/Tea 11:30 Parallel Sessions A
13:00 Lunch 14:00 Parallel Sessions B
15:30 Drinks 16:00 Plenary Session 17:30 Drinks 18:00 Dinner 19:30 Plenary Session 20:30 Posters 22:00 Social |
09:00 Parallel Sessions C
10:30 Coffee/Tea 11:00 Parallel Sessions D
12:30 Posters & Lunch 14:00 Parallel Sessions E
15:30 Drinks 16:00 Plenary Session: Young Talent Prize & Keynote Lecture 17:30 Closure DN 2015 |
09:00 Registration
09:50 Plenary Session: Opening & Keynote Lecture
Session 1: Hersenstichting Lecture[Europa]
Chair: Tamas Kozicz (Nijmegen)
Alon Chen (Munich, Germany) The role of microRNAs in normal and pathological behaviors (60')
11:00 Coffee/Tea
11:30 Parallel Sessions A
Session 2: From brain to buffet: links between food-related brain responses and real-life eating behavior[Room 5]
Chairs: Laura Nynke van der Laan & Floor van Meer (Utrecht)
Eric Stice (Eugene, OR, USA) Neural vulnerability factors that predict future weight gain: translational neuroscience implications for prevention and treatment (30')
Lieneke Jansen (Nijmegen) Leveraging the neuroscience of attention and reward to predict eating behaviour (15')
Jelle Dalenberg (Groningen) Functional specialization of the human insula during taste perception (15')
Floor van Meer (Utrecht) Neural correlates of healthy and unhealthy food viewing and food choice in children and adults (15')
Andries van der Leij (Amsterdam) Predicting real-life consumer choice using functional MRI at Neurensics Company (15')
Session 3: Serotonin’s role in neurodevelopment[Vide]
Chairs: Dirk Schubert & Sharon Kolk (Nijmegen)
Massimo Pasqualetti (Pisa, Italy) Altered serotonin homeostasis affects serotonergic neuronal circuitry (30')
Jolien Witteveen (Nijmegen) Neurodevelopmental role of serotonin in shaping cortical areas (15')
Willemieke Kouwenhoven (Amsterdam) Role of homeobox transcription factor Engrailed 1 in embryonic development of the mid-hindbrain border and serotonergic system (15')
Andrea Forero (Würzburg, Germany) Cadherin-13, a risk gene for ADHD and comorbid disorders, and brain development, with special focus in the serotonergic system (15')
Stephanie Miceli (Nijmegen) Distorted inhibitory balance in the juvenile barrel cortex of SERT-/- rats (15')
Session 4: Simultaneous read-out of behavior and its neural correlates[America]
Chairs: Tycho Hoogland & Chris van der Togt (Amsterdam)
Henk-Jan Boele (Rotterdam) Cerebellar regulation of associative motor learning (20')
Chris van der Togt (Amsterdam) Experimental control in calcium imaging experiments with awake behaving animals (20')
Tycho Hoogland (Amsterdam) Cerebellar coding underlying multi-joint movements (20')
Nick Sofroniew (Ashburn, VA, USA) Neural coding underlying tactile navigation (30')
Session 5: Early-life programming of cognitive functions: a focus on the underlying mechanisms and evolutionary value[Room 3]
Chairs: Eva Naninck (Amsterdam) & Torsten Plösch (Groningen)
Sarah Spencer (Melbourne, VIC, Australia) Early life overfeeding: effects on hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis function (30')
Kit-Yi Yam (Amsterdam) Nutritional intervention as a possible target to prevent the early-life stress induced cognitive impairments (15')
Violeta Stojanovska (Groningen) Effects of adverse intrauterine environment on the methylation status of genes involved in the energy homeostasis in the offspring (15')
Manila Loi (Utrecht) Glucocorticoid receptor antagonists as possible target for intervention for early-life stress induced cognitive impairments (15')
Willem Frankenhuis (Nijmegen) What are the functional reasons for sensitive windows in development? (15')
Session 6: The GABA system and brain function in health and disease[Europa]
Chairs: Christiaan Vinkers & Hilgo Bruining (Utrecht)
Yehezkel Ben-Ari (Paris, France) Understanding brain development to treat disorders : the case of autism (30')
Hilgo Bruining (Utrecht) Autism and GABA polarity (20')
Gabriël Jacobs (Leiden) GABA pharmacology and (system) functionality in healthy individuals (20')
Sabine Spijker (Amsterdam) The ups and downs of nicotine: long-lasting effects on GABA receptor function (20')
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Parallel Sessions B
Session 7: The tasty brain: new roles for taste receptors in non-gustatory organs in energy metabolism[Room 13]
Chairs: Daniela Herrera Moro Chao & Susanne la Fleur (Amsterdam)
Wibke Roland (Ede) Flavonoids as bitter receptor agonists and antagonists (15')
Sandra Steensels (Leuven, Belgium) Role of the gustatory signalling pathway in the effect of oligofructose and sucralose in the regulation of energy –and glucose homeostasis (15')
Daniela Herrera Moro Chao (Amsterdam) Metabolic regulation of taste receptor expression in the hypothalamus and brainstem (15')
Ivan de Araujo (New Haven, CT, USA) The neural circuitry of sugar reward (30')
Inge van Rijn (Wageningen) Tasting calories differentially affects brain activation during hunger and satiety (15')
Session 8: Trafficking and function of axonal RNAs: new insights into the biology of the axon and presynaptic nerve terminal[Vide]
Chair: Armaz Aschrafi (Nijmegen)
Barry Kaplan (Bethesda, MD, USA) Subcellular compartmentalization of neuronal RNAs: an overview (30')
Aron Kos (Nijmegen) An axon-enriched microRNA has a neurodevelopmental role within the rodent cortex (15')
Vamshi Vangoor (Utrecht) Non-coding RNAs in axon growth and epilepsy (15')
Jan van Minnen (Calgary, AB, Canada) An unexpected role for glial cells in axonal protein synthesis (30')
Session 9: Challenges in neuroscience and new approaches to improve the status quo[America]
Chair: Jojanneke Bastiaansen (Groningen)
Marcus Munafò (Bristol, United Kingdom) Challenges in neuroscience: from reproducibility issues to publication bias (30')
Jojanneke Bastiaansen (Groningen) Filling the literature gap by a combination of experimental work and an updated meta-analysis. An example from imaging genetics (15')
Esther Nederhof (Groningen) The coordinated meta-analysis: solution or fairy tale? An example from GxE research (15')
Vera Heininga (Groningen) Employing multiple testing to better understand equivocal evidence on GxE's (15')
Wouter Boekel (Amsterdam) The registered report: an example of replicability of structural MRI studies (15')
Session 10: Hippocampus function in health and disease: on memory, pattern separation and adult neurogenesis[Europa]
Chair: Charlotte Oomen (Nijmegen)
Tim Bussey (Cambridge, United Kingdom) Neurogenesis, pattern separation and the representational hierarchical view of memory (30')
Christian Doeller (Nijmegen) Hippocampal attractor dynamics guide memory-based decision making in humans (15')
Charlotte Oomen (Nijmegen) Pattern separation in rodents and its importance in stress-related disease (15')
Erika Atucha (Nijmegen) Amygdala modulation of DG-function in rats (15')
Pascal Bielefeld (Amsterdam) Does aberrant adult hippocampal neurogenesis contribute to changes in Dentate Gyrus excitability after status epilepticus? (15')
Session 11: Emerging perspectives of schizophrenia – beyond dopamine and glutamate[Room 3]
Chairs: Steven Kushner & Jeffrey Stedehouder (Rotterdam)
T. Wilson Woo (Boston, MA, USA) Neurobiology of schizophrenia onset (30')
Danielle Posthuma (Amsterdam) Biological pathways underlying schizophrenia (15')
Femke de Vrij (Rotterdam) The molecular and cellular neurobiology of psychotic disorders (15')
Martijn van den Heuvel (Utrecht) Connectomics in schizophrenia (15')
Jeffrey Stedehouder (Rotterdam) Extracellular matrix abnormalities in schizophrenia (15')
Session 12: Astrocytes, stars of the brain (GliaNed session 1)[Room 5]
Chairs: Mark Verheijen (Amsterdam) & Elly Hol (Utrecht)
Dwight Bergles (Baltimore, MD, USA) Global engagement of astrocyte networks during locomotion (30')
Oscar Stassen (Amsterdam) Modulation of the GFAP cytoskeleton in astrocytoma cells alters processes involved in extracellular matrix remodelling and cell-cell signalling – a transcriptome analysis (15')
Yixian Li (Groningen) The involvement of immune signaling in neurodegeneration (15')
Lana Osborn (Amsterdam) Astrogliosis: changes in KIR expression and function in Alzheimer's (15')
Anne-Lieke van Deijk (Amsterdam) The role of astrocyte lipid metabolism in neuronal plasticity (15')
15:30 Drinks
16:00 Plenary Session
Session 13: Two top papers & thesis prize[Europa]
17:30 Drinks
18:00 Dinner
19:30 Plenary Session
Session 14: Science in transition[Europa]
Chair: Daniel van den Hove (Maastricht)
Frank Miedema (Utrecht) Science in Transition (SiT) (60')
20:30 Posters
Session 15: Poster session 1[Asia/Africa]
22:00 Social
09:00 Parallel Sessions C
Session 16: Energizing mitochondria to combat neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric disorders[Vide]
Chair: Tamas Kozicz (Nijmegen)
Carmen Sandi (Lausanne, Switzerland) Brain mitochondrial function in anxiety and social competition (45')
Ria de Haas (Nijmegen) Studying the potential therapeutic effects of compounds in mitochondrial complex I deficient mice (15')
Philip Nijland (Amsterdam) Inflammation drives mitochondrial dysfunction and associated neurodegeneration in multiple sclerosis (15')
Tim Emmerzaal (Nijmegen) Increased depression-like behavior in response to stress in a mouse model with mitochondrial dysfunction (15')
Session 17: (Epi)genetic regulation of microglial function in CNS health and disease (GliaNed session 2) [Room 3]
Chairs: Tjakko van Ham (Rotterdam) & Bart Eggen (Groningen)
Bozena Kaminska (Warsaw, Poland) Epigenetic control of microglia functional polarization in brain pathologies (30')
Xiaoming Zhang (Groningen) Epigenetic regulation of microglial activity (15')
Saskia Burm (Rijswijk) Inflammasome-induced IL-1β secretion in microglia is characterized by delayed kinetics and is only partially dependent on inflammatory caspases (15')
Nynke Oosterhof (Rotterdam) RNAseq of the zebrafish microglial transcriptome reveals local microglial proliferation as an acute primary response to neuronal cell death (15')
Inge Holtman (Groningen) Genome-wide approaches to study (micro) glia in health and disease: 1) Glia Open Access Database (GOAD; and 2) a co-expression meta-analysis of primed microglia (15')
Session 18: Catching neurons in action: advanced imaging techniques to study synaptic transmission in living neurons[Europa]
Chairs: Harold MacGillavry (Utrecht) & Ruud Toonen (Amsterdam)
Thomas Blanpied (Baltimore, MD, USA) How molecular organization guides the function of single synapses (30')
Claudia Persoon (Amsterdam) Mechanisms of secretory vesicle dynamics and release studied at single vesicle resolution (15')
Harold MacGillavry (Utrecht) Shank-cortactin interactions control actin dynamics to maintain flexibility of neuronal spines and synapses (15')
Wim Scheenen (Nijmegen) Using scanning ion conductance microscopy to study synapse surface topology with nanometer resolution (15')
Juliette Cheyne (Amsterdam) In vivo imaging of spontaneous synaptic activity in the developing mouse visual cortex (15')
Session 19: Nicotinic receptors: from addiction to cognition enhancement[Room 5]
Chairs: Jos Prickaerts (Maastricht) & Huib Mansvelder (Amsterdam)
Arthur Beaudet (Houston, TX, USA) The role of the alpha-7 neuronal nicotinic receptor (CHRNA7) in neurological and psychiatric disease (30')
Daniel Bertrand (Geneva, Switzerland) Nicotinic receptors: overview HiQScreen Sàrl (30')
Huib Mansvelder (Amsterdam) Cholinergic control of attention by prefrontal cortical nicotinic receptors (15')
Nick van Goethem (Maastricht) α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors: antagonism and cognition (15')
Session 20: When affect meets effect: a translational view on how motivation influences action[America]
Chair: Hanneke den Ouden (Nijmegen)
Mark Walton (Oxford, United Kingdom) Mesolimbic dopamine: reward prediction in action (45')
Dirk Geurts (Nijmegen) Serotonin, dopamine, and Pavlovian control of instrumental behavior in humans (15')
Jennifer Swart (Nijmegen) Should I stay or should I go? Individual differences in effects of methylphenidate on the affective biasing of instrumental action (15')
Poppy Watson (Amsterdam) Working for food you don't desire - External stimulus control over food-seeking behaviors (15')
10:30 Coffee/Tea
11:00 Parallel Sessions D
Session 21: The essence of timing: unraveling time domains of central glucocorticoid effects[Room 5]
Chairs: Angela Sarabdjitsingh & Henk Karst (Utrecht)
Conor Liston (New York, NY, USA) Circadian glucocorticoid oscillations promote learning-related synapse formation and maintenance (30')
Sahar Farajnia (Leiden) Environmental light increases GABAergic excitation in clock neurons of adult mice (15')
Yan Su (Amsterdam) Effects of adrenalectomy on daily gene expression rhythms in the rat suprachiasmatic and paraventricular hypothalamic nuclei and in white adipose tissue (15')
Femke den Boon (Utrecht) Circadian glucocorticoid oscillations determine glutamatergic neurotransmission in the amygdala (15')
Harm Krugers (Amsterdam) Hormonal regulation of excitatory synapses and memory formation (15')
Session 22: Novel mechanisms underlying the early steps in Alzheimer disease[Europa]
Chair: August Smit (Amsterdam)
Leonidas Chouliaras (Oxford, United Kingdom) DNA (hydroxy)methylation in ageing and Alzheimer's Disease (30')
Niels Reinders (Amsterdam) AMPA-receptor subunit GluA3 makes neurons susceptible for amyloid-β (15')
Wiep Scheper (Amsterdam) The unfolded protein response: an early factor in tau pathology (15')
Ronald van Kesteren (Amsterdam) Hippocampal interneuron dysfunction as an early cause of cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s disease (15')
Alida Gouw (Amsterdam) Brain connectivity and network disruption in Alzheimer's disease: a focus on magnetoencephalography (15')
Session 23: White matter in health and disease (GliaNed session 3)[Vide]
Chair: Wia Baron (Groningen)
Bill Richardson (London, United Kingdom) Myelin, movement and motor skills learning (30')
Prisca Leferink (Amsterdam) Using iPSC-derived glial cells for disease modeling and transplantation therapy of Vanishing White Matter disease (15')
Arun Thiruvalluvan (Groningen) Survival and functionality of human IPS-derived oligodendrocyte precursor cells in marmoset MS model (15')
Inge Werkman (Groningen) Distinct modulation of myelination efficiency by cortical and non-cortical astrocytes (15')
Ilia Vainchtein (Groningen) The role of microglia during chronic-relapsing EAE (15')
Session 24: Brain circuits of compulsivity in drug addiction and OCD[America]
Chair: Ingo Willuhn (Amsterdam)
Andrew Holmes (Bethesda, MD, USA) Corticostriatal systems mediating reward learning (30')
Madison Carr (Amsterdam) Impulsive decision-making with the lights ON: glutamatergic activity in the prelimbic cortex and impulsive choice (15')
Marcia Spoelder (Utrecht) Individual variation in alcohol intake in rats: reinforcement, motivation and compulsion (15')
Judy Luigjes (Amsterdam) Compulsivity as neurocognitive endophenotype: new frontier or hype? (15')
Isabell Ehmer (Amsterdam) Spontaneous self-grooming related to Sapap3 deletion and deficient feedback processing may represent different forms of compulsivity (15')
Session 25: The neuroscience of perceptual decision making[Room 3]
Chairs: Leendert van Maanen & Guy Hawkins (Amsterdam)
Tobias Donner (Amsterdam) Brainstem modulation of cortical decision computations (30')
Dilene van Campen (Nijmegen) Evidence accumulation modelling of benchmark phenomena from conflict tasks (15')
Guy Hawkins (Amsterdam) Decision urgency in brain and behavior (15')
Peter Murphy (Leiden) Characterizing neural evidence accumulation after perceptual choice and its relevance for metacognitive judgments (15')
Marijke Beulen (Groningen) How generalizable are evidence accumulation processes to different types of decisions? (15')
12:30 Posters & Lunch
Session 26: Poster session 2[Asia/Africa]
14:00 Parallel Sessions E
Session 27: Preclinical models of aggressive disorders[Vide]
Chairs: Trynke de Jong (Regensburg, Germany) & Jeffrey Glennon (Nijmegen)
Carmen Sandi (Lausanne, Switzerland) Stress and the vicious cycle of violence (30')
Amanda Jager (Nijmegen) Top down cortical control failure in the BALB/cJ mouse model of aggression is associated with changes in structural MRI-DTI connectivity (20')
Trynke de Jong (Regensburg, Germany) Measuring aggression in virgin female rats: role of oxytocin (20')
Deborah Peeters (Nijmegen) Impulsive aggression: the interrelationship between traits, SSRI efficacy and 5-HT1A receptor binding (20')
Session 28: Amyloid and beyond: new mechanisms in Alzheimer’s pathology[America]
Chairs: Jochen De Vry (Maastricht) & Tim Vanmierlo (Diepenbeek, Belgium)
Diederik Moechars (Beerse, Belgium) On the road to a disease modifying therapy for Alzheimer’s disease (30')
Jochen De Vry (Maastricht) Hippocampal gamma-secretase activating protein overexpression impairs spatial memory in mice (15')
Jo Stevens (Maastricht) Immuno-PET with bapineuzumab as a novel method for early diagnosis and to confirm targeting of amyloid pathology in the 5xFAD mouse model (15')
Annerieke Sierksma (Leuven, Belgium) The role of miRNA and mRNA dysregulation in Alzheimer’s disease (15')
Tim Vanmierlo (Diepenbeek, Belgium) Plant sterols, nutritional modulators in Alzheimer's disease (15')
Session 29: The role of neuroimmune activation in age-associated cognitive decline[Room 3]
Chairs: Aniko Korosi & Paul Lucassen (Amsterdam)
Marina Lynch (Dublin, Ireland) Neuroinflammatory changes in the age-related and amyloid β-induced deterioration in synaptic function in the brain (30')
Lianne Hoeijmakers (Amsterdam) Early-life stress induced modulation of Alzheimer’s Disease neuropathology in APPswe/PS1dE9 mice, focus on microglia activation (15')
Sarah Spencer (Melbourne, VIC, Australia) Early life overnutrition-induced neuroimmune activation and its long-term consequences for immune challenge in later life (30')
Anne-Marie van Dam (Amsterdam) Neuroinflammation and microglial activation in Parkinson's disease; the substantia nigra and beyond (15')
Session 30: Basal ganglia function: Complemental research strategies[Room 5]
Chairs: Anneke Alkemade & Birte Forstmann (Amsterdam)
Anneke Alkemade (Amsterdam) Does empirical evidence support the tripartite hypothesis of the STN? (30')
James Trujillo (Nijmegen) Dysregulation of fronto-striatal circuits underlying executive disorders in Parkinson's Disease (15')
Gilles de Hollander (Amsterdam) Functional MRI in the basal ganglia: how to solve the subcortical cocktail problem (15')
Sonny Tan (Maastricht) High frequency stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus modulates the lateral habenula nucleus and its functions (15')
Maik Derksen (Amsterdam) Towards functional MRI in awake rats: deep brain stimulation of basal ganglia circuits (15')
Session 31: Reward processing in perception and cognition[Europa]
Chair: Chris Klink (Amsterdam)
Tomas Knapen (Amsterdam) History-dependent reward modulation of BOLD responses in human visual cortex (15')
Martijn Figee (Amsterdam) Deep brain stimulation for obsessive-compulsive disorder modulates reward processing (15')
Pieter Roelfsema (Amsterdam) Why reward and attention jointly gate learning (30')
Masayuki Matsumoto (Tsukuba, Japan) Motivational and cognitive signals of midbrain dopamine neurons (30')
15:30 Drinks
16:00 Plenary Session: Young Talent Prize & Keynote Lecture
Session 32: Neurofederation Lecture[Europa]
Chairs: Heleen Slagter & Wery van den Wildenberg (Amsterdam)
Floris de Lange (Nijmegen) What you see is what you expect? (60')
17:30 Closure DN 2015
P1.1 Effects of chronic early-life stress exposure and early nutrition on the neurogenic capacity in response to prolonged voluntary wheel running in female mice Maralinde Abbink (Amsterdam) |
P1.2 Anxiety elicits synaptic potentiation through activation of AMPA-receptors subunit GluA3 Eva Albers (Diemen) |
P1.3 The influence of social status on immune responsiveness Daniel Amado Ruiz (Amsterdam) |
P1.4 Assessing sensory encoding of mechanical interactions between neighbouring skeletal muscles Boateng Asamoah (Amsterdam) |
P1.5 Novel human-specific BDNF transcripts associated with familial schizophrenia Ane Ayo-Martin (Rotterdam) |
P1.6 IPSC-based functional screening of novel candidate risk variants in psychiatric disorders Maarouf Baghdadi (Rotterdam) |
P1.7 Leptin resistance in diet-induced obesity Sanne Beerens (Utrecht) |
P1.8 The role of neuron-ECM-glia interactions in early Alzheimer’s Disease Clara Berenguer-Escuder (Amsterdam) |
P1.10 The role of fat metabolism in the early-life stress induced effects on brain structure and function later in life Pamela Serena Monique Braakhuis (Amsterdam) |
P1.11 Neural correlates of rhythm deterioration in seasonal adaptive behavior in aging Renate Buijink (Leiden) |
P1.12 Repeated witnessing of conspecifics in pain: effects on emotional contagion Maria Carrillo (Amsterdam) |
P1.13 G-protein coupled receptor GPR158 knockout mice show deficits in spatial memory and reward-based reversal learning Demirhan Çetereisi (Amsterdam) |
P1.14 Applying machine learning to assess individual risk of dyslexia Ao Chen (Utrecht) |
P1.15 Prenatal exposure to a high-fat high-sucrose diet enhances memory and affects lipid metabolism in developing pigs Caroline Clouard (Wageningen) |
P1.16 The Adenosine 1 Receptor modulates basal synaptic activity in the pre-frontal cortex Sherida de Leeuw (Amsterdam) |
P1.17 Interplay of neural stem cells, ependymal cells, and cerebrospinal fluid in gliomagenesis Sophietje de Sonnaville (Utrecht) |
P1.18 Disentangling the roles of the amygdala and sympathetic arousal in emotional declarative memory Linda de Voogd (Nijmegen) |
P1.19 Dietary methyl donor supplementation partly prevents the early life stress-induced cognitive impairments in mice: are alterations in neurogenesis mediating these effects? Lennart de Vries (Amsterdam) |
P1.20 Citation distortions in the literature on the serotonin-transporter-linked polymorphic region and amygdala activation Ymkje Anna de Vries (Groningen) |
P1.21 The effect of maternal deprivation on synaptic plasticity in the rat hippocampus throughout development Nienke Derks (Utrecht) |
P1.22 Spin and selective citation in the literature on 5-HTTLPR, life stress, and depression Minita Franzen (Groningen) |
P1.23 Kainic acid induced seizures decrease hippocampal neural stem cell apoptosis and increase differentiation through microRNA-124 and -137 mediated decreases in BCL-RAMBO caspase-3 activity Lynnet Frijling (Amsterdam) |
P1.24 The DISC1-Schizophrenia interactome Miguel Angel Gonzalez Lozano (Amsterdam) |
P1.25 Neuropeptide Y: hedonic role in food intake Myrtille Gumbs (Amsterdam) |
P1.26 Deletion of Ube3a in adulthood does not lead to behavioral deficits in a novel Angelman syndrome mouse model Johanna Hakonen (Rotterdam) |
P1.27 Functional role of coupling axons to dendrites in layer 5 pyramidal neurons Mustafa Hamada (Amsterdam) |
P1.28 Phosphodiesterase 2A inhibition and impulsivity Pim Heckman (Maastricht) |
P1.29 Novel mechanisms of reduced hippocampal plasticity in APP-PS1 mice Céline Heldring (Amsterdam) |
P1.30 Gene expression and methylation states in rett syndrome Lisa Hinz (Amsterdam) |
P1.31 Neural activation in response to viewing unhealthy foods is related to delay discounting Marleen Hoebe (Utrecht) |
P1.32 Structural and neurochemical changes in the ACC are associated with aggression and global attention deficits in BALB/cJ mice Amanda Jager (Nijmegen) |
P1.33 Glial protein homeostasis in Huntington’s disease Anne Jansen (Amsterdam) |
P1.34 Changes in cognitive flexibility in a mouse model for myotonic dystrophy Katarzyna Kapusta Wolff (Nijmegen) |
P1.35 Leptin signaling in the ventral tegmental area and lateral hypothalamus on motivation for food reward Kim Kijk in de Vegt (Utrecht) |
P1.36 Social defeat induces short-term affective and cognitive deficits in mice Maija Koskinen (Amsterdam) |
P1.37 Munc18-1 haploinsufficiency leads to epilepsy-like phenotype in mice Jovana Kovacevic (Amsterdam) |
P1.38 Medial prefrontal cortex development in a model for intellectual disability Tim Kroon (Amsterdam) |
P1.39 Motoric and automated home cage assessment of a transgenic rat model of Spinocerebellar Ataxia type 17 (SCA17) Elisavet Ioanna Kyriakou (Nijmegen) |
P1.40 Regulation of Calcium signaling in the barrel cortex by corticosterone Angelica Lantyer (Nijmegen) |
P1.41 Hippocampal patterns of DNA methylation and hydroxymethylation in rodent and non-human primate models of aging and Alzheimer’s disease Roy Lardenoije (Maastricht) |
P1.42 Long-term behavioural effects of chronic social defeat in mice Lisa Lebherz (Maastricht) |
P1.43 Effect of fluoxetine on brain-derived neurotrophic factor-mediated signalling pathway: involvement of the serotonin transporter. Marion Levy (Maastricht) |
P1.44 Voluntary exercise prevents oxidative stress in the brain of PAHenu2 mice Priscila Mazzola (Groningen) |
P1.45 Predicting targets and signaling pathways of steroid hormones using the Allen Brain Atlas Ahmed Mahfouz (Leiden) |
P1.46 Exploring the role of presynaptic Ca2+ transients in quantal neurotransmission Roberta Mancini (Amsterdam) |
P1.47 The use of skilled forelimb reaching for the investigation of fine motor control impairments in a transgenic rat model of Huntington disease Giuseppe Manfré (Wageningen) |
P1.48 Identification and optogenetic manipulation of neuronal ensembles mediating cocaine-associated memory retrieval Mariana Matos (Amsterdam) |
P1.49 The effect of chronic early life stress and mineralocorticoid receptors on the development of social behavior in mice Anna Marlijn Lotz (Utrecht) |
P1.50 The effecs of chronic early life stress and mineralocorticoid receptor expression on the development of behavioural domains Hester Meeusen (Utrecht) |
P1.51 Early-life dietary supplementation with essential micronutrients partly protects against cognitive impairments induced by chronic early-life stress Eva Naninck (Amsterdam) |
P1.52 The contribution of GABAergic excitation and inhibition to the photoperiodic phenotype Anneke Olde Engberink (Leiden) |
P1.53 Binaural response prediction from monaural inputs in the gerbil medial superior olive Andrius Plauska (Rotterdam) |
P1.54 Chronic effects of the ‘biased’ 5-HT1A receptor agonists F15599 and F13714 on object pattern separation performance and hippocampal plasticity Jos Prickaerts (Maastricht) |
P1.55 A novel form of synaptic plasticity mediated by GluA3-containing AMPA receptors Maria Renner (Amsterdam) |
P1.56 The euchromatic histone methyltransferase regulates transcriptional plasticity in response to oxidative stress Human Riahi Asl (Nijmegen) |
P1.57 Muscle over mind? Modelling inactivity and strength exercise in mice Peter Roemers (Groningen) |
P1.58 Molecular and behavioural changes in a mouse model of social stress Pauline Roost (Nijmegen) |
P1.59 Eating your stress away: the interaction of 5-HTTLPR and rumination on emotional eating Robbie Schepers (Maastricht) |
P1.60 Genetic pleiotropy between amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and schizophrenia Dick Schijven (Utrecht) |
P1.61 Acute yohimbine decreases impulsive choice, but has no effect on response inhibition Rolinka Schippers (Amsterdam) |
P1.62 Aversive counterconditioning prevents reinstatement of reward in the ventral striatum Renee Schluter (Amsterdam) |
P1.63 MicroRNA-124 and -137 cooperativity controls caspase-3 activity through BCL2L13 in hippocampal neural stem cells Marijn Schouten (Amsterdam) |
P1.64 The efficacy of n-acetylcysteine on smoking cessation, impulsivity and cue Reactivity in heavy smokers Mieke Schulte (Amsterdam) |
P1.65 Inducible models of Tau hyperphosphorylation Cornelia Schweinzer (Grambach, Austria) |
P1.66 A critical role for the ADHD associated protein, Cadherin 13, in inhibitory synapse formation and function Martijn Selten (Nijmegen) |
P1.67 Is EEG-based biomarker prediction the key to personalized medicine? Evidence from zygosity prediction in twins Sonja Simpraga (Amsterdam) |
P1.68 The autonomic response during active and passive stress coping in serotonin transporter knockout rats Jesse Stoop (Nijmegen) |
P1.69 Gyrification in offspring of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder patients Giedre Stripeikyte (Utrecht) |
P1.70 Associations between neural correlates of visual stimulus processing and set-shifting in ill and recovered women with anorexia nervosa Hedvig Sultson (Tartu, Estonia) |
P1.71 Creating mutations and deletions in the Chl1-Cntn6-Cntn4 intellectual disability locus by CRISPR/Cas9 technology Julie Tastet (Utrecht) |
P1.72 Spinal cord stimulation and pain relief in the acute versus chronic phase of experimental painful diabetic polyneuropathy. Maarten van Beek (Maastricht) |
P1.73 Microglia in the subventricular zone of parkinson and alzheimer patients Annemiek van Berkel (Utrecht) |
P1.74 GFAP in astrocytic tumors Emma van Bodegraven (Utrecht) |
P1.75 Intellectual disabilities studied by the directed neuronal differentiation of human iPSCs Willem van den Akker (Nijmegen) |
P1.76 Identification of a selective glucocorticoid receptor modulator that prevents both diet-induced obesity and inflammation José van den Heuvel (Leiden) |
P1.77 Effects of early life stress on pattern separation in adult rats: addressing the match-mismatch hypothesis Marleen van der Meer (Nijmegen) |
P1.78 Molecular make-up of hippocampal synapses lacking the AMPA-receptor subunit 1 or 3 (Gria1 or Gria3) Sophie van der Spek (Amsterdam) |
P1.79 Ehmt1 (GLP) protein is distributed throughout the mouse brain, with high ehmt1 expression in the adult neurogenesis areas and postnatal cerebellum Catharina van der Zee (Nijmegen) |
P1.81 Validation of the xylazine-ketamine test to assess emetic properties of pharmacological compounds Britt van Hagen (Maastricht) |
P1.82 Getting stuffed: Reduced influence of satiation on food choices and food intake in human narcolepsy Ruth van Holst (Nijmegen) |
P1.83 Elucidating the function of schizophrenia risk genes in human microglia Lynn van Olst (Utrecht) |
P1.84 Cognitive flexibility and decreased white matter integrity between prefrontal cortex and basal ganglia in disordered gambling Tim van Timmeren (Amsterdam) |
P1.85 The role of Sorting Nexins in synaptic function Sonia Vazquez-Sanchez (Amsterdam) |
P1.86 How Corticotropin Releasing Factor (CRF) and GABAA-ergic drugs affect the crying of mouse pups Pia Monika Verdouw (Utrecht) |
P1.87 Stress reverses the effects of dopamine on female social interaction Jeroen Verharen (Utrecht) |
P1.88 The effect of increased midbrain dopaminergic activity on psychiatry-related behaviours Elisa Voets (Utrecht) |
P1.89 Predicting the fate of memories Isabella Wagner (Nijmegen) |
P1.90 Interactions of stress hormone-induced transcription factors at the genome during memory consolidation Lisa Weert (Leiden) |
P1.91 The effect of different dosages of intrahippocampal Kainic Acid on the maturation of newborn neurons Diede Witkamp (Amsterdam) |
P1.92 Microglial TNFα promotes diet-induced obesity by inducing mitochondrial stress in POMC neurons via a Tnfrsf11a/Ndufsab1 pathway Chun-Xia Yi (Amsterdam) |
P1.93 Assessing the role of 5-HT1A receptors in fear conditioning using biased agonists Yulong Zhao (Utrecht) |
P2.1 Early modulatory effects of attention and prediction on visual information processing Josipa Alilovic (Amsterdam) |
P2.2 Interobserver agreement for Alzheimer’s disease evaluation on arterial spin labeling MR imaging Rafael Alves Dourado Leite (Amsterdam) |
P2.3 Exposure to early life stress affects Alzheimer’s disease-related pathogenesis and cognitive functioning Anna Amelianchik (Amsterdam) |
P2.4 A tryptophan-enriched whey protein diet improves memory functions in patients with multiple sclerosis Arjan Blokland (Maastricht) |
P2.5 Do learning-induced gene expression programs reduce Abeta synaptotoxicity in Alzheimer's disease Koen Bossers (Amsterdam) |
P2.6 One by one or all at once: Tracking the division of spatial attention during the retention interval of VSTM Bob Bramson (Amsterdam) |
P2.7 The effect of n-6/n-3 PUFA ratio on behaviour and brain development in Cntnap2-deficient mice Viktoriia Chubar (Utrecht) |
P2.8 Image-based single subject classification of Alzheimer’s diseased patients using arterial spin labeling magnetic resonance imaging Lyduine Eisa Collij (Amsterdam) |
P2.9 How does early social experience shape brain development? Cosette Cornelis (Utrecht) |
P2.10 Brain reactivity to alcohol and cannabis marketing cues during abstinence and intoxication Elizabeth de Sousa Fernandes Perna (Maastricht) |
P2.11 Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) in Alzheimer (AD) brain regions: differential findings in AD with and without depression Doortje Dekens (Groningen) |
P2.12 Both ATROSAB, a huTNFR1 specific antagonistic antibody and huTNFR2 agonists, show therapeutic activity in acute models of neurodegenerative disease in mice with humanized TNF receptors Yun Dong (Groningen) |
P2.13 The role of HPA-axis genes in endophenotypes of depression Lotte Gerritsen (Amsterdam) |
P2.14 Depressive behavior is associated with microglia activation in myocardial infarction rats Leonie Gouweleeuw (Groningen) |
P2.15 All good things must end - the transient role of mouse visual cortex in visual navigation learning Martha Havenith (Nijmegen) |
P2.16 Image-based classification of Alzheimer’s disease using eigenvector centrality mapping of resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging Fiona Heeman (Amsterdam) |
P2.17 Di-synaptic inhibition is enhanced by endogenous acetylcholine release Tim Heistek (Amsterdam) |
P2.18 Neural basis of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: natural resilience as key for new treatment options Marloes Henckens (Nijmegen) |
P2.20 Postoperative cognitive impairment and neuroinflammation after cardiac versus general surgery Iris Hovens (Groningen) |
P2.21 The neuronal protein olfactomedin-1 has a tetrameric V-shaped structure Bert Janssen (Utrecht) |
P2.22 Autoantibody profiling of patients with schizophrenia David Just (Solna, Sweden) |
P2.24 Priority-related response modulations in macaque visual cortex Chris Klink (Amsterdam) |
P2.25 Early life experience modulate survival and behavioural performance in an animal model for Alzheimer’s Disease Sylvie Lesuis (Amsterdam) |
P2.26 Characterization of Cacna1a knock-in mice as a model for sudden unexpected death in epilepsy Inge Loonen (Leiden) |
P2.27 Behavioral changes in schizophrenia mouse models of 1q21,15q13.3 and 22q11.2 microdeletions Elena Marchisella (Amsterdam) |
P2.28 Teneurins interactions and signaling during synapse formation Dimphna Meijer (Utrecht) |
P2.29 Young circulatory factors regenerate Alzheimer-like disease in mice Jinte Middeldorp (Stanford, CA, USA) |
P2.30 Does alpha-band stimulus flicker modulate temporal attention? Anderson Mora Cortes (Amsterdam) |
P2.31 Early trajectory prediction in elite baseball players Cullen Owens (Rotterdam) |
P2.32 Synchronous network activity in the network development of immature mPFC in mice Johny Pires (Amsterdam) |
P2.33 Spatio-temporal dynamic of calcium flux and store-dependent calcium release in the axonal initial segment Marko Popovic (Amsterdam) |
P2.34 Pharmacological MRI combined with DREADD technology enables detection of induced brain activity in projections relevant for feeding behavior and decision making Tessa Roelofs (Utrecht) |
P2.35 Dynamic positioning of group I metabotropic glutamate receptors within dendritic spines Nicky Scheefhals (Utrecht) |
P2.36 The influence of Nrg3 overexpression in the mPFC on impulsive action in rats Jeroen Sipman (Haarlem) |
P2.38 Individual differences in voluntary alcohol intake in rats: relationship with impulsivity, decision making and pavlovian approach Marcia Spoelder (Utrecht) |
P2.39 The effects of antidepressant treatment during pregnancy on social behavior in mothers and their offspring Laura Staal (Groningen) |
P2.40 Optogenetic inhibition of the rat dorsal medial prefrontal cortex during nicotine-associated cue exposure increases nicotine seeking Roeland Struik (Amsterdam) |
P2.41 Effects of exercise in an alternative model for heart failure; linking cardiac function and depressive behaviour Kata Tóth (Groningen) |
P2.42 Illuminating the role of glutamatergic pyramidal neurons in the prelimbic cortex on impulsive decision-making Bastijn van den Boom (Amsterdam) |
P2.43 The focus of visuospatial attention during retention of a visual short term memory task Tijl van den Bos (Amsterdam) |
P2.44 The number of painful procedures applied during neonatal development: short- and long-term consequences Nynke van den Hoogen (Maastricht) |
P2.45 Habituation of mouse defensive responses to overhead moving stimuli Sven van der Burg (Amsterdam) |
P2.46 Drosophila models of a neuropsychiatric disorder: ADHD-associated genes share a dopamine-related locomotor signature Monique van der Voet (Nijmegen) |
P2.47 Do early life experiences affect the onset and development of Alzheimer’s disease? Beryl van Hoek (Amsterdam) |
P2.48 Testing causal influence of alpha oscillations in processing of relevant and irrelevant visual information Tara van Viegen (Amsterdam) |
P2.49 The effect of different feeding regimes on daily expression of orexin, melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) and Neuropeptide Y (NPY) in the hypothalamus of male rats Dawei Wang (Amsterdam) |
P2.50 Towards the understanding of the molecular mechanism of vanishing white matter Lisanne Wisse (Amsterdam) |
P2.51 In vivo whole cell recordings reveal regional specialization in the cerebellar cortex Laurens Witter (Boston, MA, USA) |
P2.52 Effects of corticosterone on dendritic spine motility using live imaging of primary hippocampal neurons Christiaan Zeelenberg (Amsterdam) |
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